• Question: Are u a good scientific person

    Asked by anon-321394 on 7 Jun 2022.
    • Photo: Tammy Piper

      Tammy Piper answered on 7 Jun 2022:

      I like to think I am. I am organised, logical and methodical. I can follow methods accurately and present my data well. I’m sure there are better scientists than me out there but I am good at my job.

    • Photo: Karin Purshouse

      Karin Purshouse answered on 7 Jun 2022: last edited 7 Jun 2022 1:43 pm

      I really hope so!
      Science can feel quite overwhelming sometimes. There will always be people who work harder than you, or get a bit luckier than you (they might just happen to land on something interesting!), or start a project that has a more established foundation (so they make progress faster than you) – or indeed are just better scientists than you! Sometimes that makes me feel like I am working too slowly or am not as good (or good enough) as other scientists. So the way I overcome those feelings is to first and foremost think about being, as you say, a good scientific person! To be a good colleague, a kind person, supportive of the successes of others, collaborate with people, to be honest in how I have done my work, and try and do it as well as possible. That way, I can have no regrets when I look back on my career thirty years from now, and can make friends along the way! Plus, it’s way more fun being a good scientific person, I think 😉 – the friends you make are a large part of what makes science fun!

    • Photo: Rachel Harris

      Rachel Harris answered on 7 Jun 2022:

      I like to think I am!

    • Photo: Ryan Devlin

      Ryan Devlin answered on 7 Jun 2022:

      I hope so. The key thing to being a good scientist is to make sure that your experiments are suitable to the question, and that you are not wasteful when designing your experiments. If you can prove something with fewer repeats, and fewer resources, you should do so.

    • Photo: Erminia Romano

      Erminia Romano answered on 8 Jun 2022:

      Since I was a kid, my older sister was used to tell me : “you have a scientific mind”.
      I am naturally systematic, logical, organized, structured. So I have several skills that help me in my job. However, I had/have to work on several others, such us learning to network more, to deal with frustration, be less perfectionist.

    • Photo: Elaine Ma

      Elaine Ma answered on 8 Jun 2022:

      I hope so but I’m always looking to become a better scientist. This is what I love about being a scientist, I’m always learning and advancing my skills.

    • Photo: Sophie Richardson

      Sophie Richardson answered on 8 Jun 2022:

      I think I am, yes! That’s probably the main goal of everyone here, to be a good scientific person by doing research to make sure we have lots of evidence to back up what we think is happening in cancer biology.

    • Photo: Chelsea Gerada

      Chelsea Gerada answered on 8 Jun 2022:

      I would like to think so, I try my best in what I do and I always keep patient care/health in mind with my research

    • Photo: Maria Peiris Pages

      Maria Peiris Pages answered on 8 Jun 2022:

      I try to be! When you realise that what you do can help people, you want to do it as well as possible, planning in advance, avoiding mistakes, including the proper controls in your experiments, repeating several times to see the consistency of your results, etc. The better you do it, the better for the patients!

    • Photo: Ben Futcher

      Ben Futcher answered on 8 Jun 2022:

      I sure hope so! Being a scientist can be challenging, there is always more research to read up on, another experiment you need or want to do. There can be pressure to publish your research in specific places, especially to get given more money to do more research. I think being a good scientist is someone who is thorough, methodical, willing to make mistakes and learn from them. I think I and many other scientists try to be these things as best as we can, with the hope that this will help us learn new things about the world.
