• Question: What’s the most interesting thing you researched

    Asked by anon-321625 to Zahra, Ryan, Kelly, Jocelyn, Gulnar, D. Giovana, Ben on 10 Jun 2022.
    • Photo: Jocelyn Bisson

      Jocelyn Bisson answered on 10 Jun 2022:

      At the moment, I’m researching how early pancreatic cancer forms. It’s fascinating trying to find the changes that lead to a cell becoming a cancer cell. I’ve found that by giving a certain chemical to mice I can injure the pancreas and cause the cells to become cancerous. Studying how and why this happens will give me clues as to what happens in cancer formation in people.

    • Photo: Ryan Devlin

      Ryan Devlin answered on 10 Jun 2022:

      The most interesting thing that I have researched I what I am doing right now, which is looking at how a history of infection with flu impacts how we respond to cancer. We are beginning to understand that having a cold for just a few days primes the immune system into an anti-viral state that can have a long term impact on future immune challenges.

    • Photo: Gulnar Abdullayeva

      Gulnar Abdullayeva answered on 11 Jun 2022:

      Great question! The most interesting thing that I realised is the existence of very different subtypes within the same type of cancer. It is also fascinating to see how normal cells turn to cancer cells in various conditions.
