• Question: Where does the word cancer originate

    Asked by anon-331746 on 29 Jun 2022.
    • Photo: Sophie Richardson

      Sophie Richardson answered on 25 Jun 2022:

      I’ve just had to google this to find out, but the origin is really interesting! So the terms ‘carcinoma’ and ‘carcinos’ were first used by a Greek guy called Hippocrates (aka the Father of Medicine). Apparently, these words mean crab in Greek, which is thought to be because he thought cancer looked like a crab because of the projections from the cancer looked like legs coming from a crab’s shell. A Roman guy called Celsus then translated this to ‘cancer’, the Latin for crab. Which makes sense, because the symbol for the star sign cancer is also a crab!

      Thanks for helping me to learn something new today.

    • Photo: Karin Purshouse

      Karin Purshouse answered on 28 Jun 2022:

      I had no idea about this, so I have also learned something!
